Events in honor of Ralph Koijen, winner of the 20th edition of the Bernácer Prize

Events in honor of Ralph Koijen, winner of the 20th edition of the Bernácer Prize

Solemn Germán Bernácer Prize award ceremony
The solemn award ceremony was a virtual event chaired by Pablo Hernández de Cos, Governor of the Bank of Spain, in the presence of Guillermo de la Dehesa, President of the OBCE (Observatorio del BCE).
- Laudatory speech by Luis de Guindos, Vice-President of the ECB and Chair of the Bernácer Prize Selection Committee.
- Remarks by Jose Luis Peydro, Imperial College London, Secretary of the Bernácer Prize Selection Committee.
- Remarks by Luis Isasi, President of Santander España (sponsor of the prize).
- Acceptance speech by Ralph Koijen, winner of the 20th edition of the Germán Bernácer Prize.
The risks in the equity and insurance markets during the low-rate environment

Luc Laeven, ECB.
Keynote speech
Ralph Koijen, Chicago Booth School of Business.
- Helene Rey, London Business School.
- Motohiro Yogo, Princeton.